
Malaysian Citizenship: Applying for a Freelance or Self-Employed Visa?


I am from Malaysia und I want to apply for a freelance or self-employed visa. Can information technology / computer work fall under free-lance work? Can you find someone to help me to correct my business plan and revenue forecasts? How much proof of fund must I show in my bank statement to prove that I can finance my stay in Germany? How much tax to pay or must I pay tax if my business income is low after my freelance or self-employed visa is approved? How much income must I earn per month to renew or extend my self-employed / freelance visa? Must I show proof of financial investment or can I just show my bank statement? How many pages do I have to write for a business plan? Does revenue forecast only for 1 year future of revenue forecast e.g. from Jan 2020 to Dec 2020 if I apply in Dec 2019?


Thank you for your inquiry and your interest in setting up a business in Germany. Make it in Germany provides international professionals with information on working and living in Germany.

In Germany, there are two ways of setting up a business: You are either self-employed (“Gewerbetreibender”), or you are a freelancer (“Freiberufler”). You do not get a choice in this matter – it depends on your profession. Being self-employed or a freelancer makes a difference with regard to certain formalities and has an impact on your company’s legal structure.

In Germany, numerous professions are known as “freelancer” (“Freiberufler”). If you set up a business in one of these professions, you usually work as a “Freiberufler”. These include:

  • medical occupations, e.g. as a doctor
  • advisory occupations in law, tax or economics
  • technical or scientific occupations, e.g. as an engineer
  • occupations concerned with the transfer of information and creative occupations, e.g. as an interpreter
  • pedagogical occupations, e.g. as a nursery nurse.

An overview of the liberal professions is available on the BMWi Startup Portal. Please be advised that some professions can only be allocated to the liberal professions following a case-by-case analysis. Your local tax office will decide whether your profession is considered “freiberuflich” or “gewerblich”, once you register your business at the latest four weeks after you started your activities. Bear in mind that for some professions you will need to provide evidence of certain qualifications and vocational credentials.

Keep in mind, as you are operating in Germany, a good command of German is important. Even as you prepare your business, you will find that many official documents are available in German only. If your German is not good enough yet, you should make sure to take a language course before you set up your business. Some advanced courses have a special focus on the business world.

Further important advisory services:
For personal advice regarding visa issues or residence permit, you can also contact the Hotline “Working and Living in Germany” under the telephone number +49 30 1815 – 1111.

For personal advice on setting up a business, you can also contact the “IQ Fachstelle”.

For further information regarding setting up a business in Germany please visit the Website "Make it in Germany".

We wish you all the best!

* Please note:
The information presented here is a general service offering. Only the German missions and the foreigners’ authorities are responsible for the issuance of visa resp. residence permits. For further questions, please contact directly the respective authority.

Reference: Justina Godesberg
Projekt „Make it in Germany“
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln e.V.
November 2019

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