English Version

Here you will find a variety of questions asked by English-speaking company founders. The requests have been answered by the experts of the "BMWi-Expertenforum".

I am a Peruvian national living in France with a French residence permit. I would like to know if I can open a startup in Germany...

I am a Libyan businessman and looking forward to establish a company in Germany. ...

I intend to start a small business by the end of this year. What do I need to do legally to register? Am I allowed to test run a few products before formalising it? If it will not to work out - do I just deregister?...

I am a non-EU student at a University in Germany pursuing a master in international business and sustainability management....

I am from Bangladesh. I just finished my studies. I want to do online-business with Amazon and also want to work as an agent seller for a Bangladeshi company. ...

I am from Brazil and I want to start a GmbH. I am in Germany. I want to do 2 German language level now in Germany and get resident for 7 months for that. ...

I am a master student in Germany - I am from a Non-EU-country. I plan to start an import/export business or a restaurant after my studies. ...

Me and my sister are going to set up a small business in Germany. We are considering to work as pet-sitters in the beginning...

I am an English teacher and interpreter and I know German. I want to work in Germany as an interpreter as self-employed or freelancer. ...

I am from Malaysia und I want to apply for a freelance or self-employed visa. Can information technology / computer work fall under free-lance work? ...