

Fill in and send application documents

The application itself is to be made using the Elektronische Formular-System für Anträge, Angebote und Skizzen (easy-online). One only has to upload a pdf file with all the documents for the electronic application. Hard copy originals of all documents in the application, with legally binding signatures also have to be sent by post to the address given below. The Entrepreneurial Network or contact person at the university or research institute also has information regarding this procedure.

Research Centre Jülich GmbH
Project Management Jülich (PtJ)
Office Berlin
Postfach 610247
10923 Berlin
Phone: 030 20199-411

The start-up network or the contact person at the university or non-university research institution will also provide information on this.

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Support when applying

Every university or research institute has a contact person for the entrepreneur or is part of an Entrepreneurial Network. Students interested in a start-up should turn to the contact person responsible for them for a first briefing. Students interested in a start-up can find the consultant responsible for them in the EXIST Entrepreneurial Networks map.

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Hotline 030-340 60 65 60 Für allgemeine Fragen
Montag bis Donnerstag: 8:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Freitag: 8:00 - 12:00 Uhr
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